Mixed drinks with vanilla vodka
Mixed drinks with vanilla vodka

Unless you want to sprinkle a few coffee beans on top for effect. Then pour through a strainer into a martini glass and you’re done. There are a few twists on the recipe, but Jamie Oliver recommends shaking up 50 ml Grey Goose vodka, 35ml coffee liqueur and a shot (25ml) of espresso coffee with ice. Yes, to call this drink a pick-me-up is an understatement, but it’s also delicious - providing you use good quality ingredients. Why? Because you’ll end up spending eight hours staring at the ceiling wondering why your eyelids are welded open. Don’t have more than three, and NEVER drink them after midnight. Not so much a cocktail as unadulterated rocket fuel, this one should come with a Gremlins-style warning. Here are five of my favourites, with ingredients highlighted in bold. Where Grey Goose vanilla vodka comes into its own is in the creation of rich, warming, creamy comfort cocktails. Refreshing, citrusy blends like the Mule, Screwdirver or Cosmopolitan are not its forté. The resulting toffee and caramel notes are pronounced and distinctive - but they won’t suit every cocktail. We’re assured there’s no added sugar, with Grey Goose La Vanille being produced using natural Madagascan vanilla. Or Grey Goose La Vanille, as it’s been branded, as a nod to its origins in Cognac, France.

mixed drinks with vanilla vodka mixed drinks with vanilla vodka

It’s been a long time since they’ve deviated from their classic formula, but they recently announced a new flavour - vanilla. Over the past couple of decades, Grey Goose has established itself as the UK’s top premium vodka brand.

Mixed drinks with vanilla vodka